Custom Cruisers!

My Doctor said I needed exercise, so I bought a bike. Of course, I couldn't leave well enough alone, so I tore the brand new bike apart and started rebuilding it into something a little, er, different. Being a big fan of the old Schwinn Stingrays, I decided to build a rip off of one that I could actually fit on. What with my extra-geeky build and all...

Yes, I do tend to obsess when I take on little projects like this. There's the red bone hound named Roland sniffing about the new parts that started arriving via UPS and littered the great room of my house after being transformed into a bicycle repair shop. The only parts that remain from the original bike are the frame, wheels, tires, and one fender. The wheels and fender are going soon, though...

Speaking of parts-- It's nigh impossible to get cool parts like this 70's style cyclone chain sprocket here in land-locked Atlanta. I've been to every bike shop in the Tri-County area and then some, but almost every part had to be ordered from sources on the West Coast.
Click for a larger image! Flat black like a rat. Here's a recent pic showing it's nearly completed state. More chromies are on the way, including a head light, reflectors, a new stem, grips, fenders (ducktails?), and maybe this summer I'll treat it to some 72 spoke wheels. Check out that springer front end! Check out the sissy bar with suspension! Click on the pic for a larger version! Or click here. Just remember, It aint done yet!
6 weeks later...

Here it sits with the 72 spokers, mirrors, headlight and the ducktails. Those fenders required a lot of massaging to get them to fit this frame, as they were made for a different bike with a very proprietary frame geometry. The mounting bracket on the rear needed relocating, but with a Dremel, a pop rivet gun and some bondo, it's a done deal. Click the pic (or here) for a larger view!

I'm soldering up a spiffy custom tail light, complete with spooky light up skull eyes, so tune back in sometime soon! Check out a couple other views below... 

Hey! Check out the pink one!

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